
Thanks for showing interest in the nooks and crannies of this website Friend. I aim to ensure that all the information here is as valid and thorough as possible. If you are unsure about anything or have concerns please do feel free to contact me via the contact page.

This website is run by me – Julian Deborré – and also represents the freelance business that I run. Again all necessary contact information can be found on the aforementioned contact page.

First of all please be aware that unless otherwise stated all contents of this website are owned by myself and operate under a all rights reserved kind of copyright deal. Now if you would like to use any of the materials ask for permission and I’ll see what we can do.

Further this website proudly runs on WordPress and is powered by a theme I have crafted myself with loving detail and hard labour.

Using WordPress means that if you login to this website cookies will be stored on your computer to help the website operate properly and remember things like your username next time you come around (detailed information on WordPress cookies here). In addition to that I do not create any cookies myself.

I also use Google Analytics to track this websites usage and visitors.

Now before I even try to explain what data it is Google will try and collect, here is also a way out: If you install this browser plugin supplied by Google, you can opt-out from their own Analytics tracking. However please bear in mind I have no affiliation or control over that plugin and can not be held responsible for any problems it may cause you. Please do your own research before using anything!

Ok so, with that mentioned, Google will use cookies to store information about your browsing behaviour on your computer. It will also collect information about you including, but not limited to, your current internet IP-address and save that information on its own servers in the USA or where ever they might be.

I also use a user specific feature of Google Analytics. That means if you log in to this website I will also be able to associate your tracking data to a unique user ID I will have assigned to you. In doing so I do not transmit any personal or person specific data about you to Google! The only thing recorded is a unique alphanumerical value only I can identify.

However these statistics really do help me run this website and conduct research about what it is that people are looking for when visiting my site. Please do understand I am not just using it for the fun of it.

To get some more detailed views on Googles own privacy statements and safeguarding policies have a look at these two links: Googles Privacy Policy & Google on safeguarding your data.

As you can probably tell by now I am a big lover of open source and great web products. I therefore make use of the following nifty things:

Ubuntu. I love the Ubuntu typeface designed by Dalton Maag and I implement it using a Google Font. Again that means agreeing to Google APIs Terms of Service which states “By using our APIs, you agree that Google can use submitted information in accordance with our privacy policies, such as”. So by that I gather some information may be collected and stored on Googles servers yet again.

Font Awesome. Another brilliant font – this time one that brings a multitude of useful icons. You can find it here.

Dashicons. WordPress’ own icon font has really developed from an internal resource to a greatly helpful addition to website development. Some more info here.

Right so that was a bit of a chore but I hope I have explained everything to your satisfaction. Like I said if you have any further questions or concerns please just contact me!