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Inclusive Airport Navigation – Appendix 2: The Mechanics of Vision

What we describe as visual perception is the ability to interpret visible light that reaches the eye. The result is what we know as sight or vision. When entering the eye the light passes through the Cornea and is refracted – its speed is changed in order to change the direction of its waves. After that it carries on through […]

Inclusive Airport Navigation – Appendix 3: Visual Impairments

The most common visual impairments and their symptoms or effects include: 1 Astigmatism – Distorted or blurred representation of objects at any distance caused by an imbalance in the cornea curve. Usually correctable by glasses or contact lenses. Cataracts – Blurred vision similar to the view through a steamed window. Results from the clouding of the lens of the eye. Cataracts […]

Inclusive Airport Navigation – Appendix 4: Usability Study – Microcomputers

Throughout numerous case studies1  Papanek sets out analysing usabilitiy of mainstream products and their efficiency at meeting the users needs. One example and later implications on law he mentions is the Microcomputer. Is the keyboard design ergonomically optimised? And are the letters arranged by frequency of use? Is the screen viewable from different angles? Can it be adjusted?

Inclusive Airport Navigation – Appendix 5: Demographic Transition

The model of demographic transition  describes – and attempts to explain – the changes in a societies or countries population structure. Its theoretical foundation was set by American demographer Warren Thompson   in 1929 and was later expanded on as an essential part of demographic and societal studies. The core element is the study and analysis of changes in […]

Inclusive Airport Navigation – Appendix 6: Typographic Anatomy

Isolating individual letterforms it is interesting that for upper- and lowercase letterforms the “right half of the form provides greater cues for recognition than the left half. The upper halves of lowercase letterforms are more readable than the lowercase halfs.” And ”with capital letterforms, the lower half of the form provides more cues for cognition than the upper half of […]